Data & Statistics

Usage Data

Annual Reports

Provides links, searches, and full-text statistics by institution for all available vendor databases.

Frequently Asked Questions

The GALILEO Usage Statistics Reporting Tool allows institutions to run reports on usage data generated from the GALILEO system and collected from our database vendors.

You may access it from this URL:

Unfortunately, because public K-12 school and public library access is managed at the district and regional level, the GALILEO reporting tool is only able to report data for the district and region—not for individual institutions in these two user groups.

Because GALILEO doesn’t have a contractual relationship with institution’s local resources, we are unable to load vendor data into the GALILEO reporting tool from these vendors. However, for each resource you have added through GLRI, you can run a report on links chosen for these resources.

Although we strive to use COUNTER compliant data in the reporting tool where possible, currently vendor usage data that we load into the reporting tool isn’t COUNTER compliant. For more information on COUNTER data, please see the GALILEO statistics page.

The GALILEO reporting tool allows you to group institutions by their respective GALILEO user group (USG, TCSG, GPLS, AMPALS/GPALS, public K-12 and private K-12). When selecting institutions, click on the “Select Institutions by Group” subtab to group your institution with the other institutions in your user group.

When selecting a database you wish to run a report for, you can select the subtab “Select Databases by Vendor” to view databases grouped by database vendor.