Art Contest

Hey students! GALILEO, Georgia’s virtual library, will be 30 years old this year. We’ve been around for a long time!  We’re hoping you can help us celebrate our birthday. So, grab your art supplies, and let’s get started! We’re hosting our first art contest! 

For ideas and research, be sure to visit GALILEO Search at Ask your teacher, media specialist or local librarian if you need help.

Contest Rules
Image associated with Contest Rules
Permission Form
Image associated with Permission Form
Art Contest Flyer
Image associated with  Art Contest Flyer

Who can participate? 

  • The art contest is open to any individual student attending a public, private, parochial, online, or home school in Georgia in grades K-12. Students from schools that use GALILEO will be reviewed first.
  • The contest entry is free and limited to one submission per student.

What is the prize? 

  • One winner will be chosen, and their artwork will appear on the 30th anniversary materials to celebrate this milestone year.
  • Winners will be notified by May 31, 2025.

What kind of art are we looking for? 

  • Artwork should be representative of GALILEO’s commitment to lifelong learning. It may include schools, libraries, education, books, virtual learning, or any other aspect of GALILEO.
  • Images may be drawings, photographs, paintings, or digital illustrations.
  • Images will be judged based on creativity, visual impact, and relevance to GALILEO.

What are the submission guidelines? 

  • Entries to the art contest takes will be accepted between March 3, 2025 through May 1, 2025. The deadline to submit entries is 11:59 p.m. on May 1, 2025.
  • Art entries should be original, student-made work that does not infringe on copyrighted material, nor contain any defamatory, vulgar, or otherwise inappropriate material.
  • Art must be submitted by parent or guardian via the GALILEO company website as a high-resolution image. If a teacher is submitting a student’s art, you must include a signed permission form with the entry.
  • Artwork images must be in .jpg or .png.
  • Winning artists must agree to submit a photo of themselves for publication.
  • Please give your artwork a title and describe it for us in a short statement. You may include your signature on the art.
  • VERY IMPORTANT: Once artwork is submitted to GALILEO, the submitter agrees that the artwork submitted will become the property of GALILEO and may be used and shown in multiple formats including printed or digital GALILEO-related promotions such as displays, pamphlets, bookmarks, banners, clothing, and websites. By entering the Contest, the entrant (or their parent or guardian) agrees that GALILEO may share the student’s name, grade and school.

Rights associated with the contest. 

By submitting artwork, each participant’s parent/legal guardian, on behalf of participant, agrees to be bound by the contest rules as described above. Each participant’s parent/legal guardian, on behalf of the participant, agrees to release and hold GALILEO, the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, the State of Georgia and any of their officers, regents, members, or employees, or other affiliated  entities harmless from any and all damages, losses, claims and liabilities arising out of participation in the contest or resulting from acceptance or claiming of any prize. GALILEO reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate, suspend or otherwise cancel the contest at any time. GALILEO is not responsible for any expenses incurred in connection with participation in the contest. 

Questions? Contact Joy Woodson at