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thumbnail image representing the news article title Getting Fit in the New Year
Tips and Training

Getting Fit in the New Year provides a list of popular resolutions for the new year, and one of the top resolutions is getting fit. Let's take a look at some resources in GALILEO that can help someone keep this resolution. GALILEO offers access to the full text of…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Wishing You Happy Researching and Learning in New Year from the GALILEO Staff We'll see you in 2011! Image from Encyclopædia Britannica

thumbnail image representing the news article title Top Books and Media for 2010
Tips and Training

Top Books and Media for 2010

Last week, we mentioned that you can use NoveList to find great recommendations for reading, but GALILEO also includes a plethora of book and entertainment. So, if you're still looking for ideas on how to ward off that bored feeling during the…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Find a Good Book for the Holiday Break
Tips and Training

Find a Good Book for the Holiday Break

Looking for a good book so that you have an excuse to curl up in a warm, comfy chair with a cup of hot chocolate over the holiday break? If you weren't looking for one already, are you tempted now? Are you wondering what that book should be? GALILEO…

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