Tips and Training

Planning Your Garden?

Thinking about planting a garden this spring? Excited about all the lovely vegetables you could be eating straight from your own back yard? Or, do you just want to increase that curb appeal?

MasterFILE Premier in GALILEO has quite a few magazines, like Organic Gardening, Harrowsmith Country Life, Horticulture, and others, with plenty of articles with tips and information to help you plan your garden. Or, just search for garden planning to find plenty of articles, including ideas and tips for beginners, design tips, ways to control garden pests, and tips for planning a vegetable garden. You can also find several calendars and timetables to help you plan when to put things in the ground. You can also search for articles on particular types of gardens, like community gardens, vegetable gardens, and container gardens, or just search for gardens or gardening to see what all you can find.

NetLibrary also includes several ebooks on gardening, such as A Kid’s Guide to How Plants Grow, Herbs in Bloom: A Guide to Growing Herbs As Ornamental Plants, Design for Gardens, Dirt-cheap Gardening: Hundreds of Ways to Save Money in Your Garden.

If you’re interested in learning more, Encyclopædia Britannica can tell you all about the history of gardening and types of gardens.

Find this and more in the Gardening section of GALILEO Library.

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Image from Encyclopædia Britannica