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thumbnail image representing the news article title National Book Month: Finding Authors

National Book Month: Finding Authors

October is National Book Month, an annual celebration of writers and readers. In honor of this celebration, we are offering tips each week this month on how to use GALILEO resources to find books and authors along with reviews and criticism. So far…

thumbnail image representing the news article title GALILEO at GCSS 2011


Come visit GALILEO staff at the exhibit booth at the annual conference of Georgia Council for the Social Studies at the Classic Center in Athens, GA! We will be in the exhibit hall with bookmarks, posters, and handouts, and staff will be ready to…

thumbnail image representing the news article title National Book Month: Finding the Next Book

National Book Month: Finding the Next Book

October is National Book Month, an annual celebration of writers and readers. In honor of this celebration, we are offering tips each week this month on how to use GALILEO resources to find books and authors along with reviews and criticism. Last…

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