Topic: News and Announcements

thumbnail image representing the news article title September-October GALILEO Newsletter
News and Announcements

September-October GALILEO Newsletter

The fall newsletter includes information on new resources for disaster recovery, gearing up for Teen Read Week (October 8-14), and examples of the Consumer Reports widget on library websites. You will also find information on all the library and…

thumbnail image representing the news article title April GALILEO Newsletter
News and Announcements

April GALILEO Newsletter

Check out the top 50 GALILEO searches and the top 10 e-book views in the April GALILEO newsletter. You will also find info on the new LearningExpress placards displaying in Discover GALILEO searches for technical colleges and public libraries and…

thumbnail image representing the news article title GALILEO Newsletter, March 2017
News and Announcements

GALILEO Newsletter, March 2017

The March newsletter includes information on research starters in Discover GALILEO, training, the Digital Library of Georgia, and a slate of web events from Affordable Learning Georgia to celebrate Open Education Week 2017. Being the information…

thumbnail image representing the news article title GALILEO Newsletter, February 2017
News and Announcements

GALILEO Newsletter, February 2017

The February newsletter includes information on authentication by geolocation, training and professional development information, and spotlights on NoveList and the 2017 Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Executive Director Lucy Harrison gives an…

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