News and Announcements

GALILEO Marketing Toolkit Available

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We are happy to announce the new GALILEO Marketing Toolkit, a site designed to help library staff raise awareness about GALILEO with their students and patrons. The Marketing Toolkit can be found in the newly reorganized About GALILEO sections under the link “For Library Staff,” where it is listed with other pages aimed at supporting library staff as they keep up with and promote GALILEO. Here’s what you’ll find:


  • Register for upcoming webinars or view archives of past webinars
  • Access database tutorials at vendor websites
  • Contact GALILEO to request a face-to-face training session
Marketing Toolkit
  • Download promotional materials for GALILEO, the Digital Library of Georgia, and the New Georgia Encyclopedia
  • Download logos for GALILEO, the DLG and NGE, and individual databases to add to websites, catalogs, and your own handouts
  • Find promotional and instructional pages for individual databases, including web buttons, bookmarks, guides, and other great materials
Presentations and Materials
  • PowerPoints from various conference presentations and training sessions
  • Handouts for different audiences, topics
  • Informational documents for internal use in libraries
Usage Statistics
  • Generate customized stats for your institution using the Usage Statistics Reporting Tool
  • Access annual reports back to 2007
  • Find information on data available in the Reporting Tool
  • Learn how evolving technology has had an impact on statistics