Topic: K-12

thumbnail image representing the news article title Lives Change with Reading
General | K-12 | Public Library | Tips and Training

Lives Change with Reading

What book has changed your life? A study at Emory recently suggested that reading a novel can trigger actual changes in the brain that linger, at least for a few days, after the novel is finished.* Most of us have felt this, but now there is hard…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Cast Your Vote for the Follett Challenge

Cast Your Vote for the Follett Challenge

Congratulations to two schools vying to win the Follett Challenge, a contest to recognize innovation in K-12 schools. Is it any coincidence that both schools feature links to GALILEO on their websites? Help these school out by clicking on the links…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Discover GALILEO: Now More Teen Friendly!

Discover GALILEO: Now More Teen Friendly!

The Discover GALILEO search box in the Teen interface has been customized to include results that are age-appropriate and of high interest to students in middle school grades. With the Discover GALILEO search, student researchers can be introduced…

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