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50th Anniversary of The Civil Rights Act of 1964

July 2, 2014, marks the 50th anniversary of Civil Rights Act of 1964 becoming law after a 289-to-125 vote by the House of Representatives. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It also provided equal voting rights by lifting prior requirements and procedures and prohibited segregation in places of public accommodation involved interstate commerce.

The image to the right was the front page of Volume 11, Issue 1, of the Southern School News published in July 1964. The Digital Library of Georgia recently added the Southern School News Archive to the Civil Rights Digital Library of Georgia; it will soon be included in the Digital Public Library of America. The Southern School News Archive provides online access to the complete run of the newspaper from 1954 until 1965. You can view the entire July 1964 issue here.

You can read the entire South School News Archive announcement on the Digital Library of Georgia Blog.

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