Topic: General

thumbnail image representing the news article title This Day in 1789: Bastille Day

This Day in 1789: Bastille Day

On July 14, 1789, an angry mob approached the Bastille, a prison in France originally built as a medieval fortress, and demanded the weapons stored there. Despite resistance from the guards, the mob took the prison and released the prisoners, thus…

thumbnail image representing the news article title 50 Years of To Kill a Mockingbird

50 Years of To Kill a Mockingbird

Sunday marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee on July 11, 1960. Loved by readers of all ages over the years, this Southern novel examines social issues and reveals life…

thumbnail image representing the news article title W.S. Merwin Appointed Next Poet Laureate

W.S. Merwin Appointed Next Poet Laureate

The Library of Congress has announced that William Stanley Merwin will succeed Kay Ryan as Poet Laureate this October. You can find out about him through his entry in the Encyclopædia Britannica and in this biographical information from…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Let Freedom Ring

Let Freedom Ring

On Sunday, we celebrate Independence Day, the day that the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, proclaiming the desire of the North American British colonies for freedom from Great Britain. Over the years, Independence Day…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Conserving Rivers

Conserving Rivers

National Rivers Month is celebrated in June and is intended to promote awareness and preservation of rivers in the United States. In support of this, the National Agricultural Library offers an extensive array of information as well as links to…

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