Topic: General

thumbnail image representing the news article title Resources for National Hispanic Heritage Month

Resources for National Hispanic Heritage Month

National Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated from September 15 to October 15, is here. If you're looking for resources to celebrate this month, GALILEO offers quite a few. Encyclopædia Britannica includes a spotlight, Hispanic…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Council on Undergraduate Research

Council on Undergraduate Research

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) focus on providing undergraduate research opportunities for faculty and students at all institutions serving undergraduate students. CUR provides support for faculty development. Their publications and…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Georgia Music Hall of Fame Awards

Georgia Music Hall of Fame Awards

The 2011 Georgia Music Hall of Fame Awards are coming up this weekend. See the New Georgia Encyclopedia to read about 2011 inductees Toni Braxton and Hall Johnson. If you want to catch up on a little Georgia music history, there are many articles on…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Remembering 9/11: More Resources

Remembering 9/11: More Resources

We recently provided links to GALILEO resources related to the September 11 attacks. In addition to these, the Britannica Blog offers reflections on 9/11 from several of the Britannica contributors. ProQuest is also offering free access to a…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Remembering September 11: 10 Years Later

Remembering September 11: 10 Years Later

This week we remember the attacks on America that took place on September 11, 2011. For a look back at this day, see the September 11 Attacks article in Encyclopædia Britannica, read the president's address to Congress and the American people…

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