Public Library

Updated GED Module and Migration to New Platform for LearningExpress Library

Libraries have already been planning for the official GED test change on January 2, 2014, and the LearningExpress Library, subscribed by GALILEO public libraries, will be updated to keep pace with the change. The LearningExpress Library GED Test Prep Center will be removed from production and will be replaced with the new High School Equivalency Center later in January. All test scores from GED practice tests that users currently have in their LE accounts will be removed on December 31. Please let your library users who have taken tests know that their scores will not be available on January 1, 2014. An announcement will be made to the GALILEO listserv and to the news feed when the new module is available.

In addition to the new High School Equivalency Center, GALILEO public libraries will be migrating to the new LearningExpress Library 3.0 platform after the first of the year. The 3.0 platform is a major change for LearningExpress Library with greater functionality, new tools, and a new look and feel. One of the nicest enhancements is that users will no longer have to log in to an account in order to see content. The shift to the new platform will require users to re-register their accounts. Content in current accounts will not be migrated, so users should complete courses and save documents created in the current platform before the change-over date. The specific date and more information on the new platform will be announced once the date is available.

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