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thumbnail image representing the news article title Films on Demand Discontinued Titles and Option to Purchase

Films on Demand Discontinued Titles and Option to Purchase

This message is intended for GALILEO institutions who subscribe to Films on Demand: Twice a year, Films on Demand, removes titles from their database that have been discontinued or that they no longer have the rights to. Before these titles are…

thumbnail image representing the news article title GALILEO Fan: Kristine Mitchell
Community Stories

GALILEO Fan: Kristine Mitchell

Kristine Mitchell, Webmaster for Blanchard Elementary in the Muscogee County School District, says she is a fan of GALILEO because “students can do research long after the library doors close. GALILEO really helps students get assignments in on…

thumbnail image representing the news article title GALILEO: First Stop to Find Interesting Articles
Community Stories

GALILEO: First Stop to Find Interesting Articles

Sydnay, a teacher, tells us, “I am a GALILEO fan!!! GALILEO has been a valuable resource since my college days. It places information within the click of my mouse. From biographies to criticisms, they are all within reach without having to travel…

thumbnail image representing the news article title GALILEO Fan: Natalie Kennedy
Community Stories

GALILEO Fan: Natalie Kennedy

Natalie Kennedy, media specialist at Valdosta High School, is a fan of GALILEO because “we could not afford to provide our students access to these great resources without it.” Thank you, Natalie, for your support. GALILEO is proud to provide…

thumbnail image representing the news article title GALILEO at GaETC 2010


Come visit GALILEO staff at the exhibit booth at the 23rd Annual Georgia Educational Technology Conference at the Georgia International Convention Center (GICC) in Atlanta, Georgia! We will be in the exhibit hall with FREE bookmarks, posters, and…

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