Topic: Public Library

thumbnail image representing the news article title Crafty Ideas in GALILEO
General | K-12 | Public Library

Crafty Ideas in GALILEO

March is National Craft Month. If you're looking for a few good craft ideas, take a look at these arts and crafts projects in MasterFILE Premier. Some links may not work off site. Log in to GALILEO first for access. Image from Encyclopædia…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Planning Your Garden?
General | Public Library

Planning Your Garden?

Thinking about planting a garden this spring? Excited about all the lovely vegetables you could be eating straight from your own back yard? Or, do you just want to increase that curb appeal? MasterFILE Premier in GALILEO has quite a few magazines,…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Consumer Resources for Heart Health
General | Public Library

Consumer Resources for Heart Health

February is American Heart Month. If you're looking to learn more about heart disease and how to prevent it, GALILEO offers some great consumer health resources. Consumer Health Complete provides fact sheets, evidence-based reports, drug and herb…

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