Topic: News and Announcements

thumbnail image representing the news article title A Redesigned New Georgia Encyclopedia
News and Announcements | General

A Redesigned New Georgia Encyclopedia

Take a look at the redesigned site of the New Georgia Encyclopedia! More than two years' worth of researching, planning, designing, and legwork have gone into producing the next generation of the NGE. The technology and design upgrade ensures that…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Happy New Year!
News and Announcements

Happy New Year!

Wishing You Happy Researching and Learning in the New Year from the GALILEO Staff We'll see you in 2013! Image from Encyclopædia Britannica

thumbnail image representing the news article title Discover GALILEO is mobile friendly!
News and Announcements

Discover GALILEO is mobile friendly!

EBSCO Discovery Service, the service that powers Discover GALILEO, and other EBSCOhost databases (e.g., Academic Search Complete, MasterFILE Elite, MAS Ultra, etc.) use mobile detection technology to recognize whether or not users are connecting…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Happy 17th Birthday, GALILEO!
News and Announcements

Happy 17th Birthday, GALILEO!

On September 21, 1995, GALILEO brought index searching and full-text retrieval to the University System of Georgia libraries, students, faculty, and staff. GALILEO has grown and changed a great deal in the last 17 years, and you can see some of…

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