Topic: K-12

thumbnail image representing the news article title EBSCO Explora - coming this summer
Databases | K-12 | Public Library

EBSCO Explora - coming this summer

Some of you may have seen announcements from EBSCO about the recent launch of Explora, the new interface that will be replacing Searchasaurus, Kids Search, and Student Research Center. GALILEO staff will be working with EBSCO to determine our process…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Britannica High School Sports New Interface

Britannica High School Sports New Interface

The new Britannica School High School home page brings forward some features to aid access to content, but it also provides an engaging browse experience. The search box is prominent at the top, so students who are looking for specific information…

thumbnail image representing the news article title How is Legislation Made in Georgia?
K-12 | Public Library

How is Legislation Made in Georgia?

The Georgia General Assembly in session, meaning it's time to turn to GALILEO for resources to illustrate the process of bills going through the Georgia House of Representatives or the Georgia State Senate to become law. How a Bill is Passed in the…

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