Topic: K-12

thumbnail image representing the news article title New Features for NoveList
Databases | K-12 | Public Library

New Features for NoveList

The NoveList Team recently released some new features to the NoveList and NoveList K-8 interfaces. In order to make better recommendations, the NoveList Team has included an “Agree with Recommendation?” feature in the NoveList Also Recommends…

thumbnail image representing the news article title SIRS Cancelled for Public K-12 Schools
Databases | K-12

SIRS Cancelled for Public K-12 Schools

Effective September 16, 2010, public K-12 (DOE) will no longer have access to SIRS suite of resources –Researcher, Discoverer, Interactive Citizenship, SKS Webselect , KnowledgeSource; nor the recently provided complimentary resources from ProQuest…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Appreciating Teachers
General | K-12

Appreciating Teachers

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Day, we wanted to share a few of the resources available to teachers in Georgia through GALILEO. Professional Development Collection includes articles and pamphlets on research and best practices for many topics in…

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