Topic: General

thumbnail image representing the news article title This Day in Georgia History: April 6, 1935

This Day in Georgia History: April 6, 1935

On this day in 1935, Governor Eugene Talmadge proclaimed the Brown Thrasher as the official state bird of Georgia. Thirty five years later, in 1969, the question was raised if the governor could legally designate state symbols. Later that year, on…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Flannery O’Connor is born March 25, 1925
Events | General

Flannery O’Connor is born March 25, 1925

One of America’s greatest fiction writers, Flannery O’Connor was both on this day in 1925. She would have been 90 years old. O’Connor was born in Savannah and moved to Milledgeville with her family in 1938. She attended the Peabody Laboratory…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Bobby Jones is born March 17, 1902
Events | General

Bobby Jones is born March 17, 1902

Robert Tyre “Bobby” Jones II was born on this day in 1902 in Atlanta. Jones was the most successful amateur golfer ever. During his career he won thirteen major championships. He also won all four major titles in one season, completing the…

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