Topic: Community Stories

thumbnail image representing the news article title GALILEO: Reliable Resources for Students
Community Stories

GALILEO: Reliable Resources for Students

A teacher for the Georgia Virtual School tells us, “GALILEO offers reliable, safe resources for our students and faculty.” Thank you for your support. We are glad your students and faculty find GALILEO helpful. Are you a fan of GALILEO, too?…

thumbnail image representing the news article title I Use GALILEO Every Day!
Community Stories

I Use GALILEO Every Day!

Julie Poole, a librarian at Jack Tarver Library at Mercer University, tells us, “I use GALILEO every day! As a librarian, I work with returning adult students teaching them how to locate and utilize all of the rich resources within GALILEO. They…

thumbnail image representing the news article title GALILEO: One-Stop Shopping for Research
Community Stories

GALILEO: One-Stop Shopping for Research

Melissa Perkins, media specialist at Bryan County High School, tells us, “GALILEO affords my school’s faculty and students ‘one-stop shopping’ for academic and professional reference and periodical sources. It is the most comprehensive tool…

thumbnail image representing the news article title GALILEO: Critical Tool for Research
Community Stories

GALILEO: Critical Tool for Research

Andrew, an MBA student, tells us, “GALILEO is a critical tool for research work in my MBA program. It is invaluable and was a key element to the content of my papers. I rarely had problems over the year and a half of use. Please keep this as a…

thumbnail image representing the news article title Love for NoveList
Community Stories

Love for NoveList

Karen from Hancock County tells us, “Novelist has been very helpful to me in finding items to read and placing series in order. Love it!” Thank you, Karen, for your support. We are so glad that you find NoveList helpful. Are you a fan of…

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