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Upcoming Enhancements to EBSCO

On, or after, October 29, 2013, EBSCO will be releasing several updates and enhancements to the overall look of the Search, Search Results, and Detailed Record pages within EBSCOhost. These updates provide a more visually appealing and intuitive interface and are a part of a continued efforts to improve the EBSCO search experience based on customer feedback and requests.

Search Box area
* The “Add a Row” has been replaced with +/-.
* The “Clear” button has been removed in favor of an “x” on the right side of the Find field when a single Find field is displayed.

Search Results
* Updated styling, including the font, allows for additional display space.
* Streamlined layout relocates the number of records returned by the search to directly above the Results List and page navigation to the bottom below the results.
* Selecting a Limiter, such as Full Text, will immediately update the Results List without the need to click an “Update” button.
* The “Preview” and “Folder” icons move to align together to the right side of the column, maintaining a consistent location. Publication type icons now appear below the title.
* Preview hover is now centered inside the screen.
* Expand/Collapse controls move to the outside corners (includes right column).

EBSCO Discovery Service
* Catalog and institutional repository links now appear in the Full Text link area.
* Publisher names will be displayed, in lieu of Source.

EBSCO eBooks
* Addition of access to relevant eBook pages from the Search Results list for titles in your collection.

EBSCO provides an example image of how these changes may appear.

These enhancements will occur with a scheduled software update on or after October 29, 2013. All EBSCOhost products and services will be available during the software update.

If you have any questions, need more information or wish to provide feedback to EBSCO, please use the GALILEO Contact Us form or contact the ITS Help Desk at or 1-888-875-3697.