Tips and Training

Training Opportunities

New webinars have been added to the GALILEO training calendar. Webinars are easy to attend and are great tools for professional development. Connection instructions are sent a day before the webinar to everyone who has registered. The instructions include a connection wizard that helps you make sure your computer is ready. Certificates of participation are sent to all attendees soon after the session. Below is a list of upcoming sessions currently scheduled. More will be added, so keep a watch on the training page and this list for new opportunities. The training page where you can register is at

    Upcoming webinars
  • Black History Month Resources—Demonstration of the Civil Rights Digital Library and GALILEO subscription resources
  • Films on Demand Overview—Overview includes a look at the new platform, content, and functionality
  • Holocaust Resources in GALILEO—In time for International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27
  • Grab GALILEO for Great Multimedia Projects—This session is great preparation for submissions to the Georgia Student Media Festival
  • Meet GALILEO for Elementary/Middle/High School—Separate session that focus on each grade level
  • Digitized Maps in the Digital Library of Georgia—A look at Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps and an examination of historical maps to trace the changing environment of a Georgia city
  • Civil War Resources—Explore subscription and DLG resources covering the American Civil War
  • Bueno GALILEO: Language Resources—GALILEO foreign-language resources include encyclopedias for several languages and Spanish-language magazines
  • Journals and Magazines: Best Practices in GALILEO—Tips on searching journals and magazines in GALILEO and optimizing usage with alerts and linking

Archived webinars include a wide range of topics for all audiences.

Great Things to Know About GALILEO is a series of self-paced learning modules designed for public library staff, but there are topics of interest to other audiences.