Tips for Book Discussions
A book discussion is “a collaborative process whereby participants contribute individual ideas to a communal appreciation that reflects the thoughts of everyone involved. We capitalize on skills and perspectives different from our own in order to see things in the text and pictures we cannot immediately see ourselves.”*
This quote comes from the first article in a Discover GALILEO search today for < tips book discussion >. The results range from book discussions with youth and teens to group psychotherapy to tips for moderators, evidence that the Discover search is a good starting place for information on starting or revitalizing a book discussion group for multiple audiences.
Another great tool in GALILEO is the “Book Discussion Guides” lists in both Novelist Plus and Novelist K-8 Plus. Find this feature under the “List and Articles” tab at the top of the page. The list of book guides covers a wide range of interests and genres for youth and adults. Each guide includes author information, a synopsis, questions, and recommendations for further reading. Each question has a thoughtful “answer” that can help moderators and group members prepare for the discussion and can act as a discussion springboard.
Bonus Reading: Time-Management Tips for Book-Group Discussion Leaders
*Barthelmess, Thom. “Thom’s Rules Of Order: Ten Tips For Good Book Discussion.” Horn Book Magazine 90.6 (2014): 28-32. Literary Reference Center. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.