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Tip: Keep Up with Your Favorite Topic with Search Alerts

Have a topic where you need the latest information? Want to find out when the latest research has been published on your area of interest?

Search alerts send an email when an article matching your topic is added to a resource in GALILEO. This can be helpful in keeping up with a research topic for a paper or project, a favorite hobby, the latest research on a medical condition, news stories, and many other items of interest.

Here’s how to set up an alert…

  1. Search for your topic in the Discover GALILEO search box
  2. You may need to change the search terms to get the results you want (e.g., search for herb gardening or vegetable gardening instead of gardening to get more specific articles)
  3. When you’re happy with the search results, click Alert/Save/Share at the top of the search results
  4. Choose to Email Alert
  5. You will need to sign in to (or create) a free My EBSCOhost account to save the alert
  6. Once signed in, enter email address and settings for the alert (Tip: In Results format, choose Detailed to get an abstract in your alert email. This helps you to read through a list of articles quickly.)
  7. Click Save Alert to save it

If you prefer to use a feed reader or aggregator, look for the orange feed icon Alert/Save/Share page to get the link to the feed.