Tips and Training

Tip: Keep Up with Favorite Magazines with Journal Alerts

Ever wonder if there was an easy way to keep up with favorite magazines, newspapers, journals, or professional publications?

Most GALILEO databases offer an alert feature that will send an email when the latest issue of a publication has been added to the database.

Here’s how to set up an alert…

In EBSCO databases (e.g., MasterFILE Premier or Academic Search Complete),

  1. Go to the Publications link (just under the name of the database at the top of the page)
  2. Search for a magazine or journal
  3. Click the title
  4. Click Alert/Save/Share
  5. Choose to Email Alert
  6. You will need to sign in to (or create) a free My EBSCOhost account to save the alert
  7. Once signed in, enter email address and settings (notice there is an option to alert on full text only, which is great for publications that don’t allow the most recent full text to be available for a few months)
  8. Click Save Alert to save it

In ProQuest databases (e.g., Research Library or ProQuest Newspapers),

  1. Go to the Publications tab
  2. Search for a magazine or journal
  3. Click the title of the magazine
  4. Click “Set up alert”
  5. Enter email address and choose settings (note that you can choose to send the alert only when full text is available)
  6. Click the “Create alert” button to set up the alert

For folks who prefer to use a feed reader or aggregator, both EBSCO and ProQuest allow users to set up a feed instead of an email. Just look for the orange feed icon after locating the publication.

For more detailed instructions and a handout, see our FAQ.