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The Joy of Bookmobile Day

National Bookmobile Day is an annual celebration of the contributions of our nation’s bookmobiles and the dedicated professionals who make quality bookmobile outreach possible in their communities. The words “bookmobile day” still conjure up the excitement and anticipation for children and adults waiting for the library on wheels to arrive. Bookmobiles have mattered in the lives of Georgians for a long time, so we wanted to share a few wonderful images of the past from the Digital Library of Georgia.

Bookmobiles still carry books, audiobooks, DVDs, and other materials, but many also provide computer labs and Internet access. Bookmobiles serve members in the community, including students, people in residential care homes, homebound patrons, and many others who may not be able to travel to their libraries.

If you or someone you know has benefited by a bookmobile, please take a moment to write to your library and thank the staff for their service. To further support bookmobile programs, see ALA’s National Bookmobile Day website for a letter-to-the-editor template and other support materials. For your library’s contact information, please see the public library directory for the Georgia Public Library Service.