SIRS Cancelled for Public K-12 Schools
Effective September 16, 2010, public K-12 (DOE) will no longer have access to SIRS suite of resources –Researcher, Discoverer, Interactive Citizenship, SKS Webselect , KnowledgeSource; nor the recently provided complimentary resources from ProQuest - ProQuest Research Library; and ProQuest Newspapers.
Given the current budget environment, the Department of Education is not able to provide the support necessary to maintain GALILEO at the current level for FY2011, therefore SIRS has been canceled.
We had several conversations and communications with the Department of Education, and remained hopeful about maintaining the same resources until September 8. We were told that due to budgetary limitations, the Department of Education could not continue to provide support beyond the funding provided by the General Assembly through the Special Funding Initiative as they had done in years past.
Private K-12 GALILEO participants will continue to receive SIRS.
For those of you that wish to subscribe to SIRS directly, the contact persons are:
Lisa Podschlne
Electronic Products - Account Executive, Field Sales
734.997.4067 (Direct)
800.521.0600 x4067 (Office)
734.531.2312 (Fax)
Maureen Miller
Electronic Products - Account Executive, Inside Sales
800.521.0600 x7271 (Direct)
866.769.0427 (Fax)
Hopefully, when the economy rebounds, the Department of Education will be able to reconsider.