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Resources on the 2017 Solar Eclipse

eclipse image

Many libraries in Georgia are promoting the solar eclipse on August 21st. The northeast corner of the state is in the total eclipse path, but the rest of the state will experience a partial eclipse at 90%. StarNet’s Eclipse Resource Center features a free 2017 Solar Eclipse Guide, educational videos, and promotional examples from other libraries offering programs and materials.

GALILEO users have access to Sky & Telescope, Astronomy, and scholarly astronomy and astrophysics journals. Find specific titles by clicking on the Magazines A-Z or Journals A-Z tab. Alternatively, you can use the GALILEO Discover search for eclipse articles, limiting to specific astronomy titles, if you like. Searching for eclipse in Explora and MasterFILE returns a compact, relevant set of results for leisure reading. Britannica School includes articles, images, and videos of eclipses and other K-12-focused astronomy topics.

Don’t forget to check e-book collections for astronomy, as well as any other subject on earth. Or beyond.
eBook Academic Collection (EBSCO)
eBook High School Collection (EBSCO)
eBook K-8 Collection (EBSCO)
eBook Public Library Collection (EBSCO)
Ebook Central (ProQuest)

Keep your fingers crossed for clear skies, but just in case, NASA will feature live coverage and video streams. The eclipse website also features an eclipse party kit, downloadable materials, an event directory, and lots of trustworthy information.