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Recent GALILEO Activities: March 31, 2010

GALILEO and library staff from Georgia State, Georgia Tech, Emory, as well as other participating GALILEO libraries attended a NISO Forum. “Discovery to Delivery: Creating a First-Class User Experience” was held at the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center in Atlanta on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. Keynote speaker Joan Lippincott, Associate Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information discussed “Connecting with Today’s Users.” Ameet Doshi, Bob Fox, and Dottie Hunt from the Georgia Tech library spoke about “The Student Advisory Board at Georgia Tech Library: Collaborating to Improve the User Experience.”

A group of GALILEO staff and University System librarians met with Ex Libris on March 24, 2010. Oren Beit-Arie, Chief Strategy Officer for Ex Libris, spoke to the group about the vision for the Ex Libris products, including Unified Discovery and Delivery (URD), or unifying experience for users across siloes and domains; Unified Resource Management (URM), or unifying workflows, and adding value through captured data about user behavior, selections, and recommendations. Ex Libris currently licenses the Voyager ILS to the USG libraries (GIL) and SFX, MetaLib, and Verde to all or part of the GALILEO communities. SFX is the OpenURL link resolving software that powers the Find It @ GALILEO service for all communities, and Primo, in use at Emory and one option the Discovery Tools Group is currently investigating.

The Technical College System of Georgia Library Council met on Thursday, March 25th. GALILEO staff member Ken Henslee provided a demonstration of the GALILEO Toolbar.

The Georgia Private Academic Libraries group held their annual spring meeting Berry College on Friday, March 26th. GALILEO staff member Lauren Fancher shared the GALILEO scrapbook and a new statistics tool with the group, which also discussed the databases for the coming fiscal year.

Pioneer RESA hosted the Media Specialist Professional Learning Community on Friday, March 26th. Karen Minton presented an update on new features in GALILEO, including the newly introduced scrapbook, the GALILEO Life Contest, and the “Where I’m From in GALILEO” lesson plan.