Tips and Training

Read Consumer Reports in GALILEO

consumer reports

Consumer Reports has long been a trusted source for consumer information on electronics, appliances, cars, and other products and services. The online version, available in full-text to Georgia citizens and students, includes the same ranking and comparison data featured in the print version. In GALILEO, users can

  • Access the current and past issues
  • Search within all issues for a specific product or service
  • Set up a journal alert to be notified when a new issue is available

To access Consumer Reports:

  1. Go to GALILEO and click the Magazines A-Z tab.
  2. Search for Consumer Reports
  3. Choose the Consumer Reports (Full Text) option in the magazine list in Find It @ GALILEO
  4. Choose EBSCOhost MasterFILE Elite from the database list
  5. Click on an issue to the right to access the magazine
  6. To search across multiple issues for a particular product, click “Search within this publication” [Note: Type the word “and” along with your topic in the search box (e.g., “and digital cameras”)]
  7. Click “Share” to set up an alert

If the links don’t take you straight there, try these login options:
1) Log in via your PINES account, or
2) Try this! (geolocation), or
3) Contact your public library.

All images are from Consumer Reports.