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Poetry Resources in GALILEO

National Poetry Month is coming up soon, and if you’re looking for resources to create a display, host an event, or find some other way to explore poetry or share poetry with others, GALILEO has a few resources that can help.

From the ancients to recent Pulitzer Prize winners, patrons can find poetry criticism, poet biographies, full-text poems, and more in Literary Reference Center. And, when they are trying to remember what iamb or dactyl means, Literary Reference Center also includes a literary glossary for that.

If you’re looking for a poem for Poem in Your Pocket Day on Thursday, April 26, 2012, here’s a quick tip for finding poems. In Literary Reference Center, go to Advanced Search and type “poem” in the search field (or a topic that you like) and then limit your search to Poem in the Document Types section. Click the Search button, and you have thousands of poems at your fingertips.

Encyclopædia Britannica includes a great article about poetry with links to famous poets. If you’re interested in poetry in other languages, take a look at the foreign language encyclopedias in Global Reference Center.

Find plenty of interesting Georgia poets in the New Georgia Encyclopedia’s Poetry in Georgia feature. Or, go to Browse to Literature > Poetry to see the list. Several of the poets have video and audio clips included with the article, so don’t miss David Bottoms talking about metaphor or the reading of Sidney Lanier’s “The Marshes of Glynn.”

If you work with children and teens, you can find activities and lesson plans in ERIC. Search for “poetry and activity” and limit by grade level in Advanced Search. Check both and ERIC@EBSCOhost – each may have different items in full text. Professional Development Collection also includes research articles and practical guidance for the teaching of poetry. Just search for poetry study, poetry slams, or a favorite poetry-related term or type of poetry, such as haiku.

Students of all ages (yes, even the grown-ups!) can write a poem about their own hometown and create a digital story to share their personal narratives in the activities outlined by the Where I’m From in GALILEO lesson plan. See the GALILEO site for the lesson plan, poem template, GPS alignments, guides to resources and tools, and an example video and poster.

See the archived Poetry Resources in GALILEO webinar in the Training Archives section of GALILEO Training and download the handout from the Presentation and Materials page.

Some links may not work off site. Log in to GALILEO first for access.

Image from Encyclopædia Britannica