Tips and Training

NoveList Tip: Finding Books that Appeal

Looking for the next book to read but don’t have any particular author or topic in mind? Maybe you just want a thought-provoking novel with a reflective tone or some dark tale of suspense that gives you an excuse to hide under the covers, or maybe you just want a fun, witty book to make you laugh.

Well, NoveList now includes appeal terms to help you find books just like the one you have in mind.

What are appeal terms you ask? They are factors that tell you more about the the reading experience - how the book will feel to you.

So, do you have a particular “feel” in mind for the next book? Check out NoveList or NoveList K-8 and search for that feeling. To the left of the search results, you will see sections to narrow your results by storyline, tone, pace, or writing style.

See the NoveList Support page to learn more about the appeal terms in NoveList.