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Lives Change with Job and Career Resources

GALILEO’s National Library Week news series showcases ways GALILEO, along with Georgia’s libraries, can change lives. It’s no stretch to say having access to resources that help Georgia citizens get jobs and advance their careers can be a real life changer.

LearningExpress Library offers practice tests, tutorials, and eBooks related to job search and workplace skills improvement, career certification and licensing exam preparation, college entrance and graduate school admissions exam preparation, GED exam preparation, and more.

Job and Career Accelerator helps you create professional and effective resumes and cover letters, and master interviewing techniques. The resource also offers tools to explore occupations and find your occupation match. Job and Career Accelerator is a center within LearningExpress Library and is also linked in GALILEO as a separate database.

Georgia Career Information System can help you explore occupations, identify occupations based on your skills, locate schools with your program of study, find job opportunities, create resumes and cover letters, prepare for job interviews and more. Note that login information for GCIS is presented once you are logged in to GALILEO as a public library.

Find these resources and more in the Browse by Subject > Careers section of GALILEO.


  • Save multiple resumes in Job and Career Accelerator to save time tweaking a single resume
  • Take a course in Excel, Photoshop, or business writing. You will not only learn something, you can list a continuing education item on your resume
  • Use the Explore Occupations modules in the above resources to identify possible paths you may not have thought of that use your skill sets

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