News and Announcements

January Newsletter: Looking Ahead After a Year of the Unexpected

Letter from the Director Lucy Harrison:

Happy 2021 to the GALILEO community! I planned to start this message by saying that I hoped this year would be far less eventful and stressful than 2020, but the horrific events of this past week dashed that hope pretty quickly.

I chose to become an American citizen almost two decades ago because I believed in what this country can accomplish, and while we have been tested recently, I have faith that the core agreements that hold up our democratic republic will continue to hold strong. GALILEO will certainly continue to be part of the solution as we hold true to our vision of facilitating the creation of knowledge for all Georgians.

To that end, GALILEO staff have been very busy during this strange year of working and interacting remotely.

  • We recently brought UGA live on OpenAthens, essentially completing our roll out for the university system. Most of the other higher education institutions are already live, and we will continue working with remaining institutions as we turn our attention to GPLS and the public libraries.

  • We had a very successful release of phase one of our GALILEO portal redesign over the summer, and we have received strong positive feedback around our redesign of the underlying admin module as well. We are already working with the GALILEO Development Advisory Committee on plans for phase two.

Read the entire message, along with updates on marketing, Digital Library of Georgia and Affordable Learning Georgia in this month’s quarterly e-newsletter: