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Government Documents for Research: U.S. Documents Webinar and Georgia Documents Resources

A free ACRL webinar on “Enhancing Research Through Government Documents” is designed to help researchers and librarians to understand and find government documents to aid in research on most topics. The webinar will focus mostly on federal government documents, but don’t forget Georgia researchers have a vast storehouse of state government documents in the Georgia Government Publications database. The GGP includes 70,000 documents produced by Georgia state agencies, including annual reports, books and pamphlets, newsletters, transcripts, and Journals of both the House and Senate through 2010.

ACRL Webinar: Enhancing Research Through Government Documents
March 10, 2:00-3:00 PM
Historic and current U.S. government documents offer researchers an opportunity to gain insight into the laws and regulations that impact individuals across all sectors of society. This webinar provides examples of specific government documents that can be used in various research areas including Native American studies, financial regulation, African American studies, environmental protection, and Women’s studies, with a focus on how understanding the past informs our understanding of the present.