GALILEO’s Back-to-School Guide for K-12 Educators

Welcome to a new school year, educators! To be sure you’re equipped with the GALILEO materials that can help you this school year, we’ve compiled a list of items to assist you in planning and student achievement.
1. K-12 Top GALILEO Databases: Our top K-12 resources include Britannica School, ProQuest (SIRS Discoverer), Ebooks from EBSCO and Ebook Central, and Explora for elementary, middle and high school. Learn more and access the express links here:
2. New GALILEO Resources: New EBSCO resources are available to GALILEO members. They include: Ethnic Diversity Source, Masterfile Complete (upgrade from Masterfile Elite), MAS Complete (upgrade from MAS Ultra), Science Reference Center, Points of View Reference Center, and PrepStep for High Schools.
3. EBSCO Training: Not sure where to start? EBSCO will be hosting training on the new resources, so be sure to attend sessions related to K-12 students. Get more information and register here: Scroll down to “upcoming live online training 2022.”
4. Additional EBSCO Resources: If you’re looking for additional resources and promotional items for EBSCO, check the links below.
- LearningExpress Grades 4-8:
- LearningExpress HS:
- Promo items
5. Digital Library of Georgia: DLG has a number of educator resources for grades 2-5 and 8 that will be helpful to you. These resources provide high-quality, standards-aligned materials related to Georgia history and culture that help teachers meet the academic interests and needs of their students.
6. GALILEO Conference Recordings: Didn’t attend the GALILEO Annual Conference? Access video presentations from the event, as well as other recorded training via our YouTube channel. The playlist for the event is here:
7. GALILEO Ambassador Award: Corinne Smith, media and instructional technology specialist, at Fifth Avenue Upper Elementary School is the recipient of this year’s inaugural GALILEO Ambassador Award. It was awarded during the annual conference in June. If you want to nominate yourself or someone else for next year’s award, visit the award webpage for more information.
8. New K-12 GALILEO Designs: Many of you have said you miss the kid-friendly design of the old GALILEO portal. So we’re working on something fresh for you all. Stay tuned. We may be reaching out to you for your input.