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GALILEO Resources for Presidents’ Day

In honor of President’s Day this month, it seems fitting to highlight some of the great resources in GALILEO that provide biographical information on our nation’s presidents.

First of all, search Discover GALILEO for any president by name to find articles and more about him.
Here are a few tips for limiting search results:
1) Use Subject on the left of the search results to limit to articles about a particular president by clicking his name.
2) Use Limit by Type to search just for primary source documents, magazine articles, or journal articles. Or, to just remove reviews, click the Show More link under Limit by Type, check the Check All box, and then uncheck Reviews.
3) To see items from the Digital Library of Georgia and the Civil Rights Digital Library, check Georgia Digital Collections Only under Refine your results.

For institutions that purchase Britannica resources, Encyclopædia Britannica includes articles on all presidents from Washington to Obama. For multimedia, essays, primary sources and more, check out Britannica’s spotlight on The American Presidency. Also, Annals of American History provides speeches, letters, and more primary source documents. Some more recent speeches have audio clips with them. Just search for a president of your choice to see these.

To search resources individually, go to the Browse by Type > Biographical Sources section of GALILEO Scholar, the Browse by Subject > Biography section of GALILEO Library, the Browse by Type > Biographies section in GALILEO High School, or the By Type > People section in GALILEO Teen.

Some links may not work off site. Log in to GALILEO first for access.

Image from Encyclopædia Britannica Online