GALILEO Initiative Awards $374,000 in Grants to USG Faculty, Instructors

Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) recently awarded more than $374,000 to University System of Georgia faculty and instructors to expand cost-effective alternatives to typical college textbooks. These grants will save students an estimated $726,000 annually in the cost of course materials.
Award amounts ranged from $1,500 to $30,000 apiece in the latest grant round. Georgia State University received the highest award total with $85,346 in grants for four projects. Kennesaw State University and Georgia Highlands College saw the highest number of projects awarded at five each, with total grant funding of $52,100 and $50,000 respectively.
ALG awarded $374,065 in funding for 29 proposals—on topics including legal writing, astronomy, software development and more—from 15 USG institutions. This is the 18th round of ALG’s Affordable Materials Grants.
An initiative of GALILEO and the University System of Georgia, ALG promotes student success by increasing the availability of affordable alternatives to expensive commercial textbooks.
To learn more about the round 18 grantees, visit: