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GALILEO 2019 Annual Survey Results

The results of the GALILEO Annual User Survey are in. We continue to see overall positive feedback for GALILEO and the services it provides.

The majority of respondents indicated that they are satisfied (strongly agree or agree) with GALILEO, Georgia’s virtual library. The highest satisfaction score centered on value, with nearly 91.9% indicating they see GALILEO as a valuable public resource. This value score is slightly higher than the previous year.

Looking closer at the comments, there continues to be a desire for more and varied GALILEO content, including access to different databases and full-text articles, as well as more user-friendly content for elementary students. Many respondents continue to want a more useful GALILEO interface with better search capabilities and easier logging in. GALILEO continues to make strides in bringing all partners into its new single sign-on initiative, OpenAthens, in addition to efforts to redesign the website/portal.

This year, we also took a closer look at where responses came from to help analyze public engagement. Although most responses came from the metro Atlanta area, the highest concentration of responses of any city was Athens, largely due to participation from Athens Technical College. We aim to have greater survey participation throughout the state, while capitalizing on areas where GALILEO engagement is highest.

Quick Stats:

  • 13.6% of respondents were librarians, library staff or media specialists
  • 26.2% of respondents were affiliated with a technical college
  • 27.8% said they learned of GALILEO from a teacher
  • 50.5% strongly agreed that they would recommend GALILEO to a friend
  • 91.9% strongly agreed or agreed that GALILEO is a valuable resource
