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Find Product Reviews in GALILEO

Need to know a little more information before you make that holiday purchase? GALILEO includes reviews from Consumer Reports and many other magazines that provide those extra details that help with those purchasing decisions.

To find articles from Consumer Reports, just search for the item along with “Consumer Reports” (using quotation marks makes it more likely to get articles from the Consumer Reports magazine). For example, you could search for smartphone “consumer reports” or for coffeepots “consumer reports” to find reviews and other information about those items in Consumer Reports. Note that you can limit your search to Consumer Reports magazine specifically if you use the Limit by Journal option on the left of the search results.

If you’re looking for general product reviews, you can also try searching for that item along with the word “reviews.” For example, a search for tablet reviews will provide reviews from a variety of magazines. It may help to limit your search to Magazines and to Reviews using the Limit by Type feature on the left.

For book reviews, just type the title of the book along with the word “reviews.” For example, search for Death of Santini reviews to see review articles about Pat Conroy’s latest book. Tip: Add the name of the author for greater specificity.

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