
Discover GALILEO Search Enhanced with Advanced Search, Discipline Options

We are pleased to announce two new enhancements to the Discover GALILEO search now in production.

(1) An Advanced Search link now appears under the main search box. This links the user to the advanced search screen at EBSCO, where (2) discipline search options for easily limiting a search to subject-specific resources now appear.

The Advanced Search option was the change most requested by library staff. In addition to the discipline search options, the Advanced Search offers guided Boolean searching and optional field limiting to help users add more precision to their searches. These enhancements were explored with the GALILEO/GIL Discovery Interface Committee prior to implementation.

Institutions that are using the embedded search box code may wish to capture fresh embed code to make use of this change within their own websites. The embed code link is adjacent to the Discover GALILEO search box on the homepage.

Please let us know if you have any questions or problems with the new features. Contact GALILEO.