News and Announcements

Dana Casper Honored with 2024 GALILEO Ambassador Award

Dana Casper, graduate students librarian at Middle Georgia State University, is the recipient of this year’s GALILEO Ambassador Award.

Annually, GALILEO honors an educator, librarian, or library staff from across the state who goes the extra mile to advocate for GALILEO and lifelong learning opportunities in their schools, universities, or communities.

The award was announced in June at this year’s GALILEO Annual Conference.

Casper serves as an Affordable Learning Georgia Library Champion and has participated in the Chancellor’s Learning Scholars Faculty Learning Community.

Her teaching philosophy emphasizes active engagement, social learning, and facilitating knowledge construction.

Casper was nominated by colleagues, who said she has been called a “lifesaver” and “rock star” because of her ability to meet students where they are, invest time into their research growth and enthusiasm for using resources, such as GALILEO to further their education.

“Perhaps most importantly, she empowers students to continue to build on their knowledge and skills, no matter their starting point, and in the spirit of robust and rewarding lifelong learning,” read one of her nominating letters.

Thank you to Dana Casper for being a steward of GALILEO, Georgia’s virtual library!