
Britannica High School Sports New Interface

The new Britannica School High School home page brings forward some features to aid access to content, but it also provides an engaging browse experience. The search box is prominent at the top, so students who are looking for specific information can easily retrieve desired results. A drop-down list of popular searches and recommended articles appear as the search term is entered. The carousel just below the search box provides access to interesting content with nice graphics. Here are some of the browse features that make the site fun and interactive.


  • Behind the News links to articles that give background to various current events and topics
  • On This Day links to articles, images, and other content on historical events, from Hank Aaron’s 715th home run to the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment
  • In Their Words showcases quotes from historical figures, authors and poets, athletes, philosophers, inventors, artists, and others
  • Explore Biographies guides users to find biographies by era, cultural association, category, and gender
  • Recommended U.S. Primary Sources links to letters, speeches, documents, and other content, much of which is specified in K-12 standards

The Britannica School collection of resources is subscribed by private and public K-12 schools in GALILEO.