
Are You Ready for Some Baseball? Find a Little Baseball History in GALILEO

Check out this Vintage Baseball Cards collection from the Richard B. Russell Library at the University of Georgia. You’ll find over 1,000 baseball cards from 1909-1911, the height of the dead-ball era.

Search for “baseball” or your favorite team in MasterFILE Premier or Encyclopaedia Britannica to find images, bios, stats, and more.

You can also find magazines that cover baseball, such as Baseball Digest and Sports Illustrated. Just go to Magazines A-Z and search for “baseball” or the magazine title.

Finally, take a look at baseball history in Georgia through the Digital Library of Georgia, the New Georgia Encyclopedia, and GeorgiaInfo. Find out the history of the Atlanta Crackers team, and see some of Georgia’s baseball greats, including Hank Aaron, Jackie Robinson, and Bobby Cox.