General | K-12

Appreciating Teachers

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Day, we wanted to share a few of the resources available to teachers in Georgia through GALILEO.

Professional Development Collection includes articles and pamphlets on research and best practices for many topics in the field of education.

ERIC (at and at EBSCOhost) includes articles to support learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research, including lesson plans and ideas for classroom activities. Try searching both for topics - some articles may appear in full text in one place but not the other.

Find these in the Educator Resources subject area in GALILEO High School as well as other resources for education research, K-12 curriculum support, and science and math education.

Magazines A-Z is also a good tool to find professional publications in GALILEO, such as Education Digest, Education Week, Educational Leadership, High School Journal, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Phi Delta Kappan, and Reading Teacher. See this handout for a larger sample list of full-text publications.

Finally, for the teacher that values balancing work and play, MasterFILE Premier includes magaazine articles about many hobbies and interests, such as gardening, entertainment, pets, sewing, cooking, sports, fitness, and more.

Image from Encyclopaedia Britannica