Affordable Learning Georgia Awards $251,000 in Grants to Expand Learning Alternatives

Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) recently awarded more than $251,000 to University System of Georgia faculty and instructors to expand online learning alternatives. These grants will save students an estimated $1.3 million in the cost of course materials.
Award amounts ranged from $2,400 to $30,000 apiece. Georgia Gwinnett College garnered the highest award total with $66,600 in grants for three projects. University of West Georgia saw the highest number of projects awarded at five with a total of $65,600 in grants.
“At a time when alternative instruction is taking a leading role as universities move many courses online, Affordable Learning Georgia is pleased to be able to increase access to open educational resources,” said Jeff Gallant, program director.
“ALG aims to encourage and support the adoption, adaptation, and creation of open and affordable course materials for students across the University System of Georgia while keeping the unique expertise and academic freedom of USG faculty in mind.”
ALG awarded funding for 22 proposals—on topics including organic chemistry, information security and more—from seven USG institutions. Thirteen of the projects are considered large-scale projects, and nine are mini-grant projects. This is the 17th round of awards for ALG’s Textbook Transformation Grants.
An initiative of GALILEO and the University System of Georgia, ALG promotes student success by increasing the availability of affordable alternatives to expensive commercial textbooks. Since its inception, the grant program has awarded more than $5.8 million.
To read more about the round 17 grantees, visit:
Round 17 Grant Awardees
Clayton State University
- $30,000 (Project Lead: John Meyers)
- $10,800 (Project Lead: Dennis Miller)
Georgia Gwinnett College
- $30,000 (Project Lead: Hyesung Park)
- $25,800 (Project Lead: Amy Erickson)
- $10,800 (Project Lead: Umar Khokhar)
Georgia Highlands College
- $4,780 (Project Lead: Sheryne Southard)
- $4,000 (Project Lead: Amanda Nichols)
- $4,000 (Project Lead: Jayme Feagin)
Georgia State University
- $10,800 (Project Lead: Cyntoria Johnson)
- $10,800 (Project Lead: Antara Dutta)
- $10,000 (Project Lead: Jan Ligon)
- $2,400 (Project Lead: Julia La Corte)
Kennesaw State University
- $15,000 (Project Lead: Kaleigh Kendrick)
- $4,800 (Project Lead: Renata Creekmur)
- $2,800 (Project Lead: Selena He)
Savannah State University
- $4,800 (Project Lead: Antonio Velazquez)
- $4,000 (Project Lead: Jenni Halpin)
University of West Georgia
- $30,000 (Project Lead: Scott Sykes)
- $10,800 (Project Lead: Megumi Fujita)
- $10,000 (Project Lead: Elizabeth Pope)
- $10,000 (Project Lead: Lisa Gezon)
- $4,800 (Project Lead: Anne Gaquere-Parker)