2023 GALILEO Annual Conference Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals – Submission period is Feb. 1 to March 3.
The 2023 GALILEO Annual Conference will be June 14 in person at Hatcher Conference Center at Middle Georgia State University. The theme of the conference is “Boldly Going.”
– Submit Your Conference Proposals –
For this conference, we’d like to get a sense of how you’ve used GALILEO in an innovative way, hear your pitches for ideas to bring to GALILEO, see interactive sessions that engage the audience and more. All GALILEO vendors and other partners also may submit proposals.
- Each session time slot is approximately 45 mins, so presentations should be no longer than that.
- You will need to submit a proposed title, session summary, presenters, as well as intended audience (K-12, public library or academic.
- You may pre-record sections of your presentation, but these sessions are all intended to be in-person. Interactive presentations are a plus!
- Sessions typically include 1-2 speakers, but may include more or be panel discussions.
The conference is being planned by GALILEO, the Digital Library of Georgia and the Georgia Public Library Service.
DEADLINE: Friday, March 3, 2023
Questions: Contact Joy L. Woodson at joy.woodson@usg.edu.