
I don’t see some of the folders I created while using a MyEBSCOHost account. What happened to them?


If you are searching GALILEO using the new EBSCO Discovery Search (EDS) and see that you are missing folders, don’t worry! They are still there.

A small percentage of users with a MyEBSCOhost Personal accounts have saved items to custom folders (folder with a custom name). Currently, the New EDS UI uses a new Dashboard which is unable to display these custom folders. This issue will be resolved in an upcoming EDS release.

Users with custom folders in MyEBSCOHost will temporarily need to access them using a workaround:

  • Go to an EBSCO database like Academic Search Complete
  • Login to your MyEBSCOhost account
  • You will then see all your custom folder(s)

  • Additional Information

    Other questions in this category:

    Keywords: folder, custom folders, EDS, new EDS, saved items, saved content, saved articles, saved ebooks

    Last Updated: Mon, June 03, 2024 - 9:23:32