
How do I use the EBSCOhost search box widget?


EBSCOhost maintains a site called the EBSCOhost Integration Toolkit.

Libraries may use the EBSCO integration tools to create links, search boxes, RSS feeds and other links to EBSCO content to place on their library’s website.

GALILEO Support Services can assist with the configuration of these widgets by request. Key settings for the search box builder include:

searchbox configuration

  • Find your GALILEO institution code on the bottom of the contact us form: Institution: #### (name-consortia)
  • Plug the code into the following URL in the bracketed section: http://proxygsu-[your GALILEO site code]
  • Paste into the proxy prefix box. Do not select any other options.
  • Or, find your GALILEO site code and complete proxy prefix in any persistent URL in any record in EBSCO. Copy and paste the proxy URL into the proxy prefix box.
  • You may also try the EBSCO standalone search box builder tool.

    Additional Information

    Other questions in this category: Support for Librarians, Discover GALILEO

    Keywords: EDS, Discover Search, Discover GALILEO, Search box builder, integrations, widgets, search box, box, code, library website

    Last Updated: Mon, July 13, 2020 - 4:05:46