
How do I update the “Tools” area of GALILEO Search?


For your convenience, GALILEO has added links to information on PowerNotes and ZoteroBib in the “tools” area of GALILEO Search.

Tools Links

If you have other tools you’d rather your patrons use or would rather not have these links displayed, you may hide these using GALILEO Admin.

You can toggle the display of these links by following these steps:

Edit Institution

  1. Select the “Edit” button on your institution page in GALILEO Admin.

Powers Notes and ZoteroBib Toggles

  1. Set the “PowerNotes Link?” and/or ZoteroBib Link? toggle to the off position.

Update Institution

  1. Select the “Update Institution” button at the bottom of the page.

Tools Area Updated

You will now see that the PowerNotes or ZoteroBib links have been removed from the tools area.

Follow the same steps if you wish to add the PowerNotes or ZoteroBib link back to the tools area.

If you would like to be able to log in to GALILEO Admin and manage your GALILEO tools area, please submit a ticket to GALILEO Support to request an account and training.

Additional Information

Other questions in this category: GALILEO Admin

Keywords: GALILEO Admin, PowerNotes, ZoteroBib, GALILEO User, Librarian, Tools Area, GALILEO Portal

Last Updated: Mon, July 12, 2021 - 4:57:05