
How do I narrow my search results in Discover GALILEO?


The GALILEO Discover Search lets you search most GALILEO content in one place.

This is convenient, however, it may result in a very large number of results. This video tutorial presents ways to more effectively narrow your search.

The GALILEO bento search helps refine search results by sorting them into boxes by type. For example, if your instructor asks you to find scholarly articles for your research, the bento search sorts scholarly articles into a box. To engage the bento search, toggle on the try bento button:”


Note that the bento search sorts search results by type:


If you need in-depth research assistance, please contact a reference librarian or media specialist at your library.

Additional Information

Other questions in this category: Discover GALILEO, Searching & Citing

Keywords: searching, EDS, Discover GALILEO, EBSCO Discovery Service, Discovery, Advanced Search, tutorials, videos, research help

Last Updated: Mon, July 12, 2021 - 7:25:37